This is a headline in the making. RBAC and ECS have partnered on the creation and operation of the Rainier Beach Farm Stand. While important what is even more important is the fact that these two organizations have come together to meet a common need that our respective neighborhood/communities have. What is that need…no, it’s not healthy food, which is crucial to our neighborhood’s well being. No it’s not sharing a meal together which we do need to do more of. What is ultimately a more important need is us taking the time to imagine together. This is an understated body of work in neighborhood development realm. Imagining, crafting and executing the best ideas. So imagine if ECS’s after-school program and RBAC Corner Greeter and Farm Stand programs got together. Imagine if ECS’s Senior Meal Program  and RBAC’s Farm  Stand joined forces. Imagine if RBAC’s board and ECS’ board got together, or the respective leadership teams of both organizations sat down  to have coffee together. I, myself could easily develop ideas that these respective groupings could work on, but I want you to imagine…. just imagine.  We’ll see you in the neighborhood.