My name is Hani Ahmed, I am the Credential Specialist for RBAC. I do a lot of support for Corner Greeters and their events. I am a former youth engagement worker (another name for corner greeters) and spent two years as a Corner Greeter. I then transitioned to being part of Beach 5, a youth leadership position within RBAC to build capacity. Something that’s also common for Beach Fiver’s is that we wear many hats.

 One of the other programs I’m part of is YATTA Rising. A two-part system to build skills and create system change. I am part of the planning team and I also work as an educator for our Wednesday classes. We have shifted our mission to first response and our first few classes have been centered on first response careers, analyzing, and discussing the system of first response and the intersection of race in first response. We’ve had guests such as nurses and firefighters come and educate our YATTAs (youth who participate in our classes). We recently received a grant to hire more young people in high school and college. 

Our main aim in YATTA Rising is to make a policy recommendation that will benefit and uplift the community. At the end of the day I do work in service of the community and that means having educators the youth can connect to. And compensating youth because they deserve to be recognized and appreciated for their work.