Hi There, My name is Emily, and I’m interested in this position here at Tilth Alliance to further develop my horticulture skills while simultaneously providing accessible food outlets/food education resources to underserved communities in the greater Seattle area. For the last 7-8 years, when not directly working in the field, I’ve been involved with developing relationships and mentorships with local sustainable producers, nonprofits, and educators and realized my passion and drive for establishing formative relationships and mentorships with farms, farmers markets, and the farmers themselves. From a notable education internship with Cloud Mountain Farm Center (2017), a farmhand position with Osprey Hill Farm (2017) and then Skinny Kitty Farms (2018), Oxbow Farm Center’s Market Lead for two seasons (2019 & 2020) promoted to Retail Sales Coordinator (2021), and cohort member of New Cowgirl Camp 2020 (hosted by Beth Robinette of Lazy R Ranch & Sandy Matheson of Matheson Farms), I am motivated to spread my enthusiasm for building and strengthening relationships between animals, communities, food, land, and people. As a Hawaiian/Filipina farmer in Washington, my experiences within agriculture, local food systems, and Seattle farmers markets have helped me develop personalized customer interaction/accommodations, and positive, authentic engagement to further relate to the public. Creating access to food to underserved communities, whether through tangible products or education, is one of the most powerful tools we can use to attempt to bridge the food insecurity gap. In the future, I hope to teach multiple generations the benefits of fostering, maintaining, enjoying, and appreciating the multiple relationships we hold with food: whether it revolves around conservation, cultivation, consumption, celebration, or, ideally, a combination of them all. Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon!
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