Author: gdavis

Rainier Beach Town Hall Meeting Press Release 5.20.15

For IMMEDIATE RELEASE: May 14, 2015 Contact: Gregory Davis (206) 914.1762   Community celebrates a year of victories at Rainier Beach Town Hall 2015 The ninth annual Rainier Beach Town...

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Call To Action – Mayor wants you at Youth Opportunity Summit – April 11th RBHS

ALERT: Final program with workshop details and facilitator bios now available: Youth-Opportunity-Summit-Program-FINAL.pdf (1101 downloads )   Save the Date: Youth Opportunity Summit Mayor Murray is convening an all-day...

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With RB as ground zero Priority Hire ordinance signed into law!

Mayor Murray, city councilmembers, construction contractors, community members and workers today celebrated the signing of Seattle’s new priority hire law that will bring more jobs to disadvantaged communities through City...

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Prayer March to King Donuts January 17, 9 am from ECBF (7728 Rainier Avenue)

In a desire to come alongside the owners of King Donut who were recently robbed and assaulted, ECBF and Rainier Ave Church will be doing a Prayer March. Here are the details: Date: Saturday, January 17th Time: 9am Location: Meet...

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RBAC is recruiting for our new Executive and Advisory Councils!