Author: RB-Admin


When I think about YATTA Rising, I think about our concept of ‘crosswalking’. Let’s explore what it means to crosswalk and why it’s important. In the early start of YATTA Rising, our beginnings were made with the intention to...

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Guaranteed Basic Income

In January 2021 RBAC was approached by Councilmember Girmay Zahilay to implement the pilot project Guaranteed Basic Income (GBI) Program.  The GBI Program is also known as a citizen’s income, guaranteed minimum income, or...

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Strengthening Community

Through the Rainier Beach Farm Stand, we work towards food justice by increasing access to local produce and uplifting BIPOC farmers. Although this work is revolutionary, it is not the end all be all. We want to achieve food...

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RBAC is recruiting for our new Executive and Advisory Councils!