+ Public Safety – The Community Police Commission (CPC) released a Request for Qualifications (RFQ) seeking community partners to conduct community outreach on police reform. More information about the RFQ: Consultants will plan and conduct outreach to targeted groups, inform these groups of the police reform process and the CPC’s role in that process, solicit from them general feedback on police-community relations and specific feedback that will inform four specific policy areas that the CPC will make recommendations on, and report the results of their outreach activities. The outreach is intended for communities most directly affected by excessive use of force and biased policing.  The engagement work will take place the month of October. The full RFQ, Scope of Work and associated documents can be viewed and downloaded at:http://consultants.seattle.gov/2013/08/28/community-partnership-grants-rfq-cpc-82813/ Contact Karinda Harris, City of Seattle, Office of the Community Police Commission,206.233.2664,karinda.harris@seattle.govwww.seattle.gov