NEWS FLASH: Do you know of an organization or group (including your own) that has been involved in Environmental Action in Rainier Beach? Help us update our information on the progress and challenges related to these priorities over the past year. Information you provide will help inform the next Town Hall Meeting in January, where we will set priorities for 2010. Just enter your observations as a comment at the end of this page. Thanks!

See most recent updates here.

Overall Goal – RB Coalition seeks to support the community in the preservation and improvement of natural and manmade open spaces and parks; and the management of environmental impacts to the community

2009 and Beyond – Priorities identified at 2009 Town Hall Meeting

To help monitor and track throughout the year click here and enter any activity in Rainier Beach that is responses to these priorities

1.  Social/political/environmental intersection (integration)
2.  More outreach e.g., presentations at community events to reach residents and other stakeholders
3.  Air pollution awareness
4.  More conifer trees
5.  Protect green spaces/walkways
6.  Adopt-a-block
7.  Promote Urban Wilderness Project

Projects to keep our eyes and ears on

* Mapes Creek/52nd Avenue Walkway (SEED)
* Toxic Beauty Project (Community Coalition for Environmental Justice (CCEJ)
* Seward Park Environmental and Audubon Learning Center (Seattle Parks, Audubon Society)
* Neighborhood Clean-up (Rainier Beach Merchants Association)
* No Idling Campaign (CCEJ)
* Green Jobs (Connections Clearinghouse)
* Sustainable South Seattle (SSS)

Environment Partners
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