Youth-Led Community Report Back about Transportation Justice in Rainier Beach!


Join us Saturday, March 31 st , 10 a.m. – 12 p.m.

Ethiopian Community Mutual Association

8323 Rainier Avenue South, Seattle, WA 98118


Free breakfast, childcare and language interpretation; win raffles

Get involved!


Rainier Beach Transit Justice youth team surveyed 200 Rainier Beach residents about their transportation needs and problems. Come learn about our survey findings and recommendations and how you can jelp make transportation work for all Rainier Beach residents The Rainier Beach Transit Justice Project is a partnership of Rainier Beach Community Empowerment Coalition and Puget Sound Sage. For more information visit our website at or


Please RSVP to Rebecca Saldana at 206.568.5000 x25 or Please let us know if you need language interpretations, and the ages of your children