If you receive this eNews, you are an informed individual, so we know that home prices and interest rates are high, making home buying a very challenging effort. The organizers of the Black Home Initiative (https://www.blackhomeinitiative.org) have devised two important approaches to make this challenge easier to accomplish. One is the use of an “impact network” that brings stakeholders from all quarters of the homebuyers’ ecosystem together in concert with one another. An impact network is a living-systems approach to organizing, bringing people together to build relationships across boundaries; leverage the existing work, skills, and motivations of the group. The impact network concept has never been applied to this situation, and we who helped organize this effort have confidence it can work. However, it will require everyone to extend themselves a bit more than they are used to because the housing system got to its current state by too many being satisfied with the status quo. The other reason this challenge is easier to accomplish is because of the awareness that the homebuyer outreach and readiness experience should occur in a cohort fashion. We have learned the home buying experience can be fraught with twists and turns and ups and downs. But if undertaken in concert with others, the experience would be in an environment of support and care. For those of you who are of low to moderate income and foundational Black Americans and interested in being a homeowner, the Black Home Initiative and National Association of Real Estate Brokers would like to personally invite you and your community members to the Western Washington Realtist Community Impact Day. It will be in our neighborhood on April 13, 2024, from 11 am – 4 pm at Unity Church of God In Christ at 8302 Renton Ave S in Rainier Beach. There is an opportunity for you to start your journey on April 13, 2024. I am Ready! Home Buying 101, The Holistic Benefits of Homebuying, I Want To Get Ready! Credit, Lending, and Income Your Questions Answered are some of the learning opportunities available. April 13th is a busy day in Rainier Beach with the opening of Beer Sheva Park and Stage at 12 noon but be sure to stop by Unity Church of God In Christ and start the process to get your house. In the meantime, check out this report that will inform you about The 2023 State of Housing in Black America.