Southeast Seattle Education Coalition (SESEC)

Meeting with the Superintendant of Seattle Public Schools Dr. Susan Enfield and her staff., September 15, 2011, Filipino Community Center.

Top Highlights

  1. 24 people in attendance representing the leadership of ethnic based community organization in Rainier Valley (Filipino, Vietnamese, Asian, Latino, African American, Somali, Ethiopian).
  2. Three funding sources are being pursued to support the groups efforts – Community Coalition For Education Results, United Way’s New Solutions Fund, Neighbor to Neighbor Fund

Most Surprising Thing heard

  1. Betty Patu, District 7 SPS Board member has not seen SESEC plan
  2. “Don Felders” advisory group being sought for counsel by Dr. Enfield

Most Controversial Occurrence

  1. Only one African American male in attendance
  2. Seattle Public Schools has no parent partnership on academics. There is a Parent Leadership Partnership but communications gap exist, no one at the table knew about it

Implications for Rainier Beach

  1. High performers and challenged students will have problems…the education system in general is a mainstream model
  2. We need to be our own inspiration and provide our own vision.  Our education leaders are preoccupied with the $20 million deficit, not including state cutbacks.