The Evergreen Chapter of Blacks In Government is hosting its 3rd Annual Black History Month Community Forum the evening of Thursday, February 25th.  The topic this year is “Surviving and Thriving in a Downsizing Economy.” The event will take place at Jefferson Community Center on Seattle’s Beacon Hill, from 6:30
– 8:30pm.  The forum is free and the public is invited to attend and engage local leaders in civic dialogue on the topic.  A light dinner and refreshments will be served; the Seattle Channel will be taping.

The forum is a moderated/facilitated panel discussion.  Confirmed panelists are: Seattle Councilmembers Bruce Harrell and Sally J. Clark; Kitsap County Auditor Walt Washington; Royal Alley-Barnes, Director, Langston Hughes Cultural Arts Center; The Rev. Leslie. D. Braxton, New Beginnings Christian Fellowship; and Wyking Garrett, writer, speaker, and community activist.   The Forum will be facilitated by Mr. David Sarju, with special guest, Mr. Charles Oliver, President, Region X Council, Blacks In Government.

Blacks In Government (BIG) is a national 501(c)3 public service employee advocacy, training, and professional development  organization chartered and incorporated in Washington, D.C. and composed of regional councils and local chapters across the United States.  BIG provides a non-partisan platform on major issues of local, regional, and national significance to Blacks in government.  Membership in BIG is open to ALL who share our mission and commitment to end racism, eradicate discrimination, and encourage excellence, equity, and opportunity for all government and civil service employees.  BIG is also involved in community outreach and activities, is a strong resource helping to combat drug abuse and teen pregnancy, increase HIV/AIDS awareness, promote literacy and education, and promote voter information and registration.  Additional information about Blacks In Government is available at

For more information contact
Lynda Hunter, President
Evergreen Chapter
Blacks In Government